The Training Tool Every Puppy Parent Needs That’s Less Than $5: A House Line!

Training tools can be huge game-changers for training your new puppy successfully and this one rarely talked about training tool will be your secret weapon to house training and teaching your puppy appropriate behaviors and manners.

Today, I’m going to introduce you to a super affordable and invaluable tool for puppy training that many paw parents don’t even know about…

A house line is a training tool every puppy parent needs! Costing less than $5, this simple, yet highly effective training tool is one that every paw parent should have!

In this blog post, I’ll share with you what a house line is, why you need it to train your puppy and how to use it successfully step-by-step.

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What is a House Line?

A house line is a fancy name for a lightweight, leash ranging from 4 to 10 feet in length. With 6 ft being the ideal length. It is usually made of nylon or similar materials.

a house line- 6 foot nylon leash

Some trainers recommend cutting off the leash handle, but I do not. The reason I don’t recommend cutting off the handle is so that you can use the leash as a tether when needed.

A house line acts as an extension of your control, allowing you to guide and redirect your puppy’s movements and misbehavior safely and effectively at all times when your puppy is out of their crate or designated area.

Grab a house line to train your puppy here.

Why Do You Need a House Line for Puppies?

Every paw parent needs a house line during puppy training.

RELATED: What all do I Need for a New Puppy? Must Have Puppy Essentials!


Well… because it provides a secure way to have control over your puppy while allowing them a sense of freedom within the boundaries of your home.

By using a house line, you can effectively guide your fur baby and teach them proper manners and behaviors without the risk of them running away from you or thinking you are playing with them when you are redirecting or correcting a behavior. It also helps prevent accidents and promotes a safe and supervised environment for your puppy to explore and learn.

With this training tool, you can establish boundaries, reinforce good habits, and build a strong and trusting bond with your puppy.

Grab a house line to train your puppy here.

With that being said, let’s take at look at the 7 reasons why you need a house line to train your puppy…

1. Safety First

One of the primary reasons for using a house line is to ensure the safety of your puppy.

By attaching the line to your puppy’s collar, you can prevent them from going in areas they shouldn’t and you can stop them from getting into things that could harm them such as chewing on cords or eating something that can be dangerous areas.

You can also redirect bad behaviors such as puppy biting, nipping, chewing and jumping. This also helps little ones feel safe around an overly excited and stimulated puppy.

And when you have to walk away for a few minutes, you can tether your puppy using the house line. This allows your puppy to still feel as if they have freedom while keeping them safe and secure in one small area.

2. Reinforce Recall

A house line provides a perfect opportunity to reinforce your puppy’s recall skills.

With the line in place, you have the ability to get your puppy’s attention and gently guide them to you when calling your puppy’s name. Don’t forget to reward your puppy every time they come when called!

This also helps to teach the “come” command while maintaining a sense of control.

3. Helps Maintain Focus During Training Sessions

A puppy can easily become distracted or overexcited during training sessions.

A house line allows you to guide your puppy’s movements and redirect your fur baby’s attention back to you when they get distracted.

4. Boundary Training

When your puppy is wearing a house line, you are able to control their access to any area of your home and teach your puppy boundaries.

If you don’t want your puppy to go into a certain room or area of the house, you are able to step on or hold the leash, restricting access to that room. As soon as your puppy turns around to go the other direction release the leash. Do this every time and your puppy will learn that they can not go in there.

5. Successful Leash Training

Using a house line is an excellent prerequisite to leash training.

It allows your puppy to become familiar with the feeling of the leash on their collar as well as the sensation of being tethered.

This gradual introduction to the leash makes leash training much easier. In my experience, when I introduced my puppy to a leash using the house line there was minimal to no leash pulling.

6. Emotional Control

Puppies often experience bursts of energy or excitement that can lead to unruly behavior such as hand biting, nipping and jumping.

A house line allows you the means to redirect your puppy’s actions calmly and gently without your hands, reinforcing calm and controlled behavior patterns.

The reason you want to use the house line to redirect this bad behavior is because when you use your hands and push your puppy away, your puppy gets more excited as they think you are playing with them making it harder to stop the unwanted behavior.

7. Potty Training

A house line prevents accidents and helps aid in the potty training process.

When it is time to ‘go potty’, you can use the house line to guide your puppy to the door or designated potty area indoors such as a litter box to help your puppy learn where to ‘go potty’.

RELATED: How to Potty Train a Puppy FAST and EASY!

You can use the line to stop your puppy if you see your puppy is about to go potty or is in the middle of an accident allowing you to redirect your puppy to the appropriate place.

It also allows you to tether your puppy to you or a certain area of the house to prevent accidents in the house when you aren’t able to physically have your eyes on your puppy.

RELATED: How do I Punish my Puppy for Peeing in the House? The Surprising Truth!

How to Successfully Use a House Line: Step-by-Step!

1. Choose the Right Length

Select a house line that is appropriate for your puppy’s size and the training environment.

I recommend a length of 6 feet as it isn’t too long to get tangled on stuff but it’s still long enough to grab, etc. If you have small dog breed such as a toy breed, I would use a 4 ft leash.

2. Attach to your puppy’s collar not their harness

Some will say to use a harness as it prevents strain to the puppy’s neck but the truth is, if your puppy’s neck is being strained, then your leash isn’t light enough or you are pulling too roughly. Attaching the leash to the puppy’s collar gives you better control over your puppy.

Begin training in a familiar, secure area with minimal distractions. Gradually introduce new environments as your puppy becomes comfortable and responsive.

3. Watch Closely and Guide

Keep a close eye on your puppy while using the house line. The house line should be used at all times in the house unless your puppy is in their crate or designated area. If you are unable to closely watch your puppy then they should be in their crate, designated area, or tethered in a safe area.

Afterall, the houseline won’t be an effective tool if you are not watching your puppy to correct and redirect unwanted behavior, etc.

When you see your puppy behaving inappropriately, guide and correct your puppy gently and reward desired behaviors with treats or praise. This reinforces the good behavior and makes your puppy want to continue doing it.

4. Gradual Freedom

Gradually (over time), allow your puppy more freedom while still using the house line as a safety net. As you give your puppy more freedom, you can cut the leash until you have nothing left or until you fully remove it. Just remember, when you cut the leash, you will no longer be able to use it to tether your puppy.

Eventually, your puppy will learn what’s appropriate behavior and what isn’t even without the line attached.

With that being said, the house line should be worn until your puppy is fully housetrained.

RELATED: The #1 Mistake New Puppy Parents Make and How to Avoid it!


Investing less than $5 in a house line can make a world of difference in your puppy’s training journey.

This simple and affordable tool, when used correctly, provides a safe and controlled way to guide your puppy’s movements when house training and teaching your puppy manners while still giving them the sense of freedom.

With the house line as your secret weapon, you’ll set your fur baby up for a lifetime of obedience, safety, and enjoyable adventures together.

Grab your house line here and get started training your puppy with this game-changing training tool today!

What puppy training challenges are you facing that a house line can help with? Have you used a house line to train your puppy? Share your thoughts and experiences below!

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