About Me

Hello and welcome to Homeschool for Dogs! I am so happy to have you here.

I’m Lisa!

I am a homeschooling momma of 6, to five kids and a fur baby. I have a love for dogs (especially German shepherds) and I am very passionate about dog training.

I believe it is just as important to teach your dog manners and obedience just as you would your child.

You are raising a good citizen, a best friend and a protector. 

A little bit about how my love for dog training began.

I have always loved dogs and my husband and I wanted a family pet. After doing our homework, we decided that a German Shepherd was the best fit for our family. They are loyal, smart (highly trainable) and oh-so-beautiful!

We watched YouTube video after YouTube video. I imagined my dog to be as obedient as the dogs I saw and I had the vision in my head that it couldn’t be that hard, we could do it.

Boy, was I in for a rude awakening. It was a LOT more work than I had imagined.

I felt I was letting my fur baby down and I was ready to pull my hair out at times.

I didn’t have the money to send my baby to a 2-week board and train so I decided that I was going to take matters into my own hands.

I went back to the internet and YouTube, I would search a command I wanted to teach my dog and study it. I would then implement it.

(I also watched a lot of Ceaser Millan on T.V.)

I learned I made a lot of mistakes. I also learned how to fix them and how to fix many issues I was dealing with. I realized the problem wasn’t my dog…it never was… IT WAS ME!

I became addicted!

Everyone couldn’t believe how well-behaved my dog was at only 6 months. I had taught my dog over 30 commands by the time he was 6 months old. Friends and family started asking me questions and I would help them with their dogs.

Silver and Black Sable German Shepherd
Rambo in an extended down command.

Which grew my love for dog training and helping others with training their dogs even more.

You can train your dog at home.

I know how expensive obedience training is and financially it just isn’t doable for most people. (I was most people!)

I want to help educate people, like you, learn more about their dog, how to care for and train their dog at home because it is PAWSIBLE! 😉 (You like how I did that didn’t you. LOL!)

I want to share my knowledge with you so that you can become the best trainer and handler that your dog needs. Connecting you and your dog on a whole new level.

With some education, patience and lots of treats, you CAN do it!

My mission here at homeschool for dogs…

Training for dogs – Solution for owners.

My goal is to help you have a well-mannered, obedient dog and to help you build an unbreakable bond with your fur baby.

To educate…

And to give you solutions for fixing any issues that you may be facing and help you better understand your dog.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

I can also be reached at lisamarie@homeschoolfordogs.com.

Teaching humans. Training dogs. Growing together.

Happy training,
Lisa Marie


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