Dog Running Around Like Crazy All of a Sudden? Holy Zoomies!

You are sitting on the couch or walking to the fridge and you begin to watch your dog go plum nuts. Your dog is all of a sudden running around like a crazy lunatic…

You begin to wonder…

Why is my dog running around like a maniac? Why does my dog run back and forth like crazy? Is it normal for my dog to run around crazy? Why is my running frantically in circles?

I wondered the same thing when I first witnessed my dog flying from one side of the house to the other, sliding my area rugs all over the place!

It was one of those moments where you are concerned and amused at the same time. I wasn’t sure if the kids slipped her some kool-aid or what.

So… why do dogs run around acting crazy all of a sudden?

You dog is running around like a crazed maniac because they are expelling all their pent-up and unused energy. It is called the Zoomies!!

The name sure does have a ring to it and states exactly what it is… zoom…zoom…zoom! I about couldn’t turn my head fast enough before my dog darted the other way.

I am going to answer the most common questions that people have when it comes to dog Zoomies…

What causes the zoomies?

Of course, like everything, there is a scientific name for the ‘zoomies’. It is called Frenetic random activity periods or (FRAPs). That’s a mouthful!

Zoomies (or FRAPs) is when your dog has a sudden burst of energy, randomly without warning. When dogs experience the zoomies they run crazily back and forth and in circles. Simply put, they are just getting all that energy out and acting nuts in the process.

Is the zoomies normal dog behavior?

Yes! I am happy to tell you that although I was concerned and you may be too, there is no need to be! It is completely normal! The zoomies is common and normal behavior in dogs (and even in cats) and is something that you should not be worried about.

Should I stop my dog from running around like crazy?

According to Marc Bekoff (an ecologist who studied FRAPs), as long as your dog is in a safe enviornment then you should freely allow you dog to engage in the zoomies!

How long does zoomies last?

The zoomies come on very quickly and they leave they just quick! They usually last just a few minutes before your dog plops down like they just ran a marathon.

When do dogs get the zoomies?

Dogs can get the zoomies anytime but they commonly at night before bedtime. This is when I notice my dogs get the zoomies the most. It’s like they know they are about to turn in for the night so they take a few minutes to run like maniacs from one end of the house to the other before settling into their beds.

It is also common for dogs to get the crazies after a bath, after eating or even during a training session. That is why it is especially important to walk or play with your dog before starting a training session.

Do dogs grow out of zoomies?

Zoomies commonly occur in puppies. You may notice the older they get the less they experience them. Some dogs outgrowing them entirely.

Breed also has alot to do with it. If you have a high energy dog breed like I do (German Shepherds) then you may see them happen a lot even as they get older!

Are dogs happy when they get the zoomies?

Yes! The zoomies are a sign that your dog is happy. I haven’t ever seen a dog experience the zoomies and look sad! They are having a blast during their ‘crazy episode’!

So go ahead and let them enjoy their few moments of pure excitement and while they do, you can enjoy the laugh that you will get from watching them! I know I get a kick out of it and so do my children!

The zoomies can be very entertaining for both you and your dog. Don’t believe me… watch this video and you are sure to have laugh!


Do running around like crazy or spinning like the Tasmanian devil? Don’t worry! Your dog is experiencing what is known as the zoomies!

It is a random and sudden burst of energy that turns your dog into a marathon runner. Although it looks concerning, it is common and normal dog behavior!

So the next time your dog has the zoomies, sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

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