How to Establish Dominance Over a Dog?(7 Ways to Establish Leadership!)

Is your dog showing signs of being dominant? Unsure of how to show your dominance over your dog. No worries, I am going to show you how you can show your dog that you are the Alpha so that you can have the loving and well-behaved dog that you desire (and know they are).

It is important for your dog to learn their place in the ‘pack’ from the first day you get them.

When a dog views their self as the ‘Alpha’ their behavior can become very problematic and it can also be very dangerous. You may already be experiencing some of these behavior problems…

This is why it is important to nip it in the butt as soon as you begin seeing the signs. The longer you wait the harder it will be!

So, how do you establish dominance over a dog?

For your dog to view you as their leader, you MUST act like a leader. Always remain calm and confident! You can establish dominance over your dog by developing a routine and setting rules and boundaries.

Some dogs, like children, are born ‘leaders’ (or they think they are).

Dogs like children NEED structure!

Some will tell you that ‘dominance or leadership’ training is unnecessary in showing dominance over your dog and that these techniques for dominance training are a myth and are unethical. They will tell you to just love on your dog and your dog will naturally follow your lead.

I disagree with ‘those people’.

Dogs need structure just like children. They need love, yes BUT like children they need routine and discipline. Children have to learn that their parents are the boss (the leaders per se). If you have children you know exactly what I mean.

Just as children, dogs have different temperaments and personalities.

Parents determine the rules and set boundaries. Just as the leader of the pack does.

If we as parents fail to do that then we are setting our children up for behavior problems. Why? Because that will lead to a child who thinks they can tell momma and daddy what to do. An unruly child who just does what THEY want, when they want without any regards to consequences.

The same applies to our dogs. Lack of discipline, boundaries and routine can allow dominant behavioral problems to become worse.

How to show dominance over a dog

How can you tell if your dog is dominant?

Some common signs of dominant behavior in dogs are as follows:

  • Pulling on the leash.
  • Determined to lead the way during walks or through doors. .
  • Demanding to be petted by nudging your hand.
  • Demanding play by dropping toys in your lap or guarding toys.
  • Resistance to or ignoring voice commands.
  • Ignoring or refusing to get off of furniture.
  • Aggressive behavior while eating or guarding food.
  • Aggressive behavior with verbal correction or eye contact.

When these behaviors are left untamed then they can lead to a disobedient and unmanageable dog.

How do I show my dog I am the alpha?

You don’t have to pee on your dog or pin them down to show them that you are the alpha.

You can show your dog that you are the alpha simply by setting boundaries and rules for your dog. This can be accomplished through obedience training and by teaching your dog no. This teaches your dog how to be well-mannered and a good citizen and family member. It also keeps your dog safe and everyone around them.

Don’t allow your dog to get away with unwanted behaviors. Remember dogs are like children. They will try to test their limits.

How to establish dominance over a dog

First and foremost you will want to…

Establish a Routine

It is important to establish a routine with your dog. A routine allows you dog to know what to expect as well as what is expected out of them. They thrive on them. Giving your dog a routine gives them structure and confidence.

Establishing a routine sets your dog up for success.

A typical routine day in our home…

We get up at the same time each day and head out to potty. We come back in and our dogs get to hang out. Around the same time each day we have feeding time #1. Mid-day we talk a structured walk on leash. We come back in and the dogs hang out or nap. We then go back out later and have free playtime. Then feeding #2. Potty and then we ‘go to bed’ around the same time.

Of course we have other potty breaks as needed, etc. Not every day is the exact same we may occasionally go to the park but we do have a set schedule for things such as sleeping and eating and you will see why in a minute.

7 Ways to Establish Dominance Over Your Dog

‘Dominance or leadership’ training isn’t and doesn’t have to be a harsh punishment. Instead, it should just be a part of your everyday life. This is where setting rules and boundaries come in.

To show dominance over your dog, implement the following into your daily life:

  • Make eye contact with your dog.
  • Stay above your dog’s level.
  • Don’t let your dog lead the walks.
  • Walk through the door first.
  • Don’t let your dog on the sofa or bed.
  • Don’t let them eat until after you eat and give your dog permission to eat.
  • Have your dog work for what they want.

Make eye contact with your dog

Dogs like to show their dominance by using eye contact. They will stare and wait until the other dog or human breaks eye contact first, this shows the other dog or person that they are the dominant one.

When your dog is making eye contact with you, it is important to keep eye contact until they break it first. This will show them that you are the dominant one.

You don’t have to have a mean look on your face, growl or look like a crazy person with your eyes WIDE open. Just look normally.

Also, make eye contact with your dog when communicating with them.

Stay above your dog’s level

It is very important to always stay above your dog’s level and make eye contact (as mentioned earlier) when giving your dog commands. Even when you or your children play with your dog on the ground stay above your dog’s level.

You may have noticed that when you are playing with your dog on the floor that they will crawl all over you, get in your face and they don’t listen very well. If you tell them off or sit they just keep on ‘playing’ you literally have to push your dog off. This is because when you do this your dog views you as a pack member and not a leader.

Just as I stated earlier, the leader is always above the rest of the pack. Your dog should always have to look up at you.

Don’t let your dog lead the walks

When you take your dog for a walk you should always have your dog walk beside you or slightly behind you (in a heel-like position). Your dog doesn’t necessarily have to be “heeling” but they should at least walk beside you on a loose leash and not ahead of you.

When you let your dog walk ahead of you and lead the walk, they view themselves as the alpha and they think that you should follow their lead. This can lead to leash pulling.

Walks can actually be very good for your dog and can help with mental stimulation. If your dog is walking ahead of you, they aren’t being mentally stimulated because they are more relaxed and unfocused.

Walk through the door first

Whenever you pass through a closed door, it is important that you go through the door before your dog.

A lot of times your dog will try to barrel through the door (especially when going outside) and when they do they think they have free reign to do whatever they want and are usually more challenging and less apt to listening.

Give your dog a sit command before you open the door. Once you open the door, step out, wait a minute or two and then give your dog a command to break or come, allowing them to go through the door.

If your dog breaks the sit command and tries to go, close the door and start over. It may take a few times BUT your dog will learn that they will NOT go through the door without your permission. Eventually waiting at the door without you even having to say a word.

Dog sitting waiting for command

Don’t let your dog lead the walks

When you take your dog for a walk you should always have your dog walk beside you or slightly behind you (in a heel-like position). Your dog doesn’t necessarily have to be “heeling” but they should at least walk beside you on a loose leash and not ahead of you.

When you let your dog walk ahead of you and lead the walk, they view themselves as the alpha and they think that you should follow their lead. This can lead to leash pulling.

Walks can actually be very good for your dog and can help with mental stimulation. If your dog is walking ahead of you, they aren’t being mentally stimulated because they are more relaxed and unfocused.

Do not let your dog on the sofa or bed

I know that this is hard because you want your fur baby to be able to curl up next to you BUT if you have a dominant dog this

can even lead to territory behavioral problems.

Allowing your dog to sleep with you or allowing them on the sofa with you can signal to your dogs that they are equal or even above you in the pack. This is instinctual.

The leader of the pack is always above (higher than) the rest of the pack.

Designate a place for your dog in the main rooms they are in to call theirs. I freely allow my dog to lay anywhere in the house (on the floor) but she has a bed in the living room and in the room beside my bed. She is also not allowed in the kitchen when we are cooking.

Also, if your dog is in the way (no matter where they are laying) make them move, don’t go around them.

How to show my dog I'm alpha

Two things that can really show your dog that you are dominant (and the leader of the pack) is by controlling where and when they sleep and when and where they eat.

RELATED: Should I Let my Dog on the Couch? (The Answer Revealed!)

Don’t let your dog eat until after you eat and give your dog permission to eat

The leader always eats before the rest of the pack.

My girl always eats after we eat. She doesn’t whine and she doesn’t beg for food. She goes and lays down and knows that her time to eat is coming. I say this because I have read where they say this is unnecessary. I disagree. Making your dog wait until after you eat is not mean or negative in any way.

And it is good manners.

When you feed your dog it is important to set boundaries and to give them permission to eat.

Feed your dog in the same area every day. (Dogs strive for routine and love it!) Don’t allow your sweet fur baby to be at your feet, jumping up on you or the counter while you are fixing their meal.

If your dog does this you can place or down your dog. Make them stay until you go to your feeding spot. Tell your dog to come and sit. Sit down their food bowl and tell them to leave it. Then tell them to take it.

If they don’t know what leave it is put your hand over the bowl and say leave it. If they try to take it before you give them the command, make them sit again and repeat the process. With your hand over the bowl. This is also a great and easy way to teach the leave it and take it command.

If they don’t take it right away when you say take it, slide the bowl to them and tell them to take it again. It may take a few times but your dog will begin to understand.

(You can also make them do any command that they know shake, etc. they successfully do it they get to eat.)

Have your dog work for what they want

When you have your dog work for things they want such as his food, going outside to play, playing with toys, etc. They learn that they have to look at you, their alpha and leader, before they can get what they want.

This not only keeps your dog under control and tames behavioral problems but it shows them that you are the one in control of every situation and everything they want.

Dogs strive to please. They thrive on routine and discipline (no I don’t mean whippings!).

They learn that they are rewarded for following your commands and for listening to YOU, their pack leader. Whether it be a for a toy, food or lots of love, attention and petting.

Conclusion- How to Establish Dominance Over a Dog

If you have a dominant dog or a dog that is showing sign of dominant behavior it is very important to take back control and show your dog that you ARE the pack leader.

Remember dogs are like children.

You don’t need to use any form of harsh punishment like peeing on your dog or holding your dog down to show you are alpha.

Instead, you need to establish a routine and set rules and boundaries for your dog. Remain calm and confident when dealing with your dominant dog and apply the 7 ways to establish dominance over your dog in your daily life. In doing this, you will soon see a behavior change in your fur baby.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below. Always happy to help! 🙂

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