How Do You Train a Puppy to Sleep Without a Crate? Nighttime Crate-Free Training Guide!

If you’re a puppy owner who prefers not to use a crate for sleep training, you may be wondering… How do you train a puppy to sleep without a crate? Is it even possible?

The answer is Yes, it is totally possible to train a puppy without a crate! I’ve done it and so can you!

Crate-free training can be a great alternative for puppies who don’t take well to crate confinement or for owners who prefer to have their pups sleep outside of a crate. But, without the structure of a crate, it can be challenging to establish a consistent sleep routine and keep your puppy safe and secure throughout the night.

Today, I’ll share my crate-free guide to help you successfully train your puppy to sleep without a crate using the exact method I did to not only train my dog to sleep without a crate, but to go to bed on command and stay there all night!

So lets dive right in…

Understanding Your Puppy’s Sleep Needs

Before you begin training your puppy to sleep without a crate, it’s important to understand their natural sleep habits.

Puppies generally sleep for 14-20 hours a day, divided into several naps and one or two longer periods of sleep. They also have smaller bladders and weaker sphincter muscles, which means they may need to go potty a couple times at night for a few weeks.

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By understanding your puppy’s sleep needs, you can create a crate-free training plan that meets their needs while also setting them up for success.

My Step-by-Step Nighttime Crate-Free Training Routine

Step 1- Create a Safe Sleep Environment

The first step in training your puppy to sleep without a crate is to create a safe and comfortable sleep environment.

This means finding a quiet, dark, and cool place for your puppy to sleep.

You can use a dog bed to create a cozy sleeping spot. I would hold off on blankets and pillows until your puppy is trained as they may chew on them.

Make sure the area is free from any potential hazards, such as cords or sharp objects, and that your puppy can’t access any areas where they may get into trouble.

I have my puppy sleep next to my bed on his comfy dog bed.

how to train a puppy without a crate

Step 2- Keep Your Puppy From Roaming Around.

You do not want your puppy to be able to roam and wander around the house. If you do, your puppy will have an accident and can get into trouble by getting into and messing with things that they shouldn’t.

To do this crate-free, you will need to be able to limit your puppy’s space. You could close a door i.e your puppy sleeps in the laundry room. You could use a baby gate or a playpen to limit your dogs space.

RELATED====> How to Train a Puppy Without a Crate: Alternatives to Crate Training!

Keep in mind that if your puppy has access to more space than just his bed i.e your bedroom, there is a greater chance that your puppy will have an accident. I learned this the hard way.

How I trained my puppy to be crate-free while also limiting the area that my puppy had access to was by tethering.

To do this, I did the following:

I took a heavy-duty eye hook and put it about 6 inches off the floor into a stud. I then took a cheap 4-foot nylon leash from Wal-mart and took the leash handle and looped it through the eye hook and attached my puppy.

Make sure the leash is light. I wouldn’t use a cable.

I trained several puppies this way and they never got tangled up if you may be worried about that happening.

Within a few weeks, I was able to just give the ‘go to bed’ command and he would go and I no longer had to tether him.

Step 3- Establish a Bedtime Routine

Just like many of us humans, puppies thrive on routine. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can help signal to your puppy that it’s time to wind down and go to sleep.

Your routine can include activities such as a walk, a potty break, a quiet play session. Don’t give your puppy a bedtime snack or water as this may result in your puppy having to go to the bathroom more and it can set your puppy up to have an accident.

Make sure your routine is consistent each night and try to keep it relatively short so your puppy doesn’t get too wound up.

Every night, we did and still do the same thing. Doing this taught my puppy what was expected of him and taught him the command ‘go to bed’.

Our Bedtime Routine:

My husband and I go to bed about 9:00. We may go straight to sleep or watch T.V. for a bit but either way that is the time we go and wind down.

About 8:30, we play with our boy for about 15 minutes. If we don’t, he will get the zoomies. For example, we may play fetch, tug-o-war, etc. After playtime, we ‘go potty’.

I take Rambo out to his designated potty area and give him the command to ‘go potty’.

RELATED====> How to Teach Your Dog to Potty on Command (The Breakdown!)

Once he does his business, we go back inside. Once back inside, I say lets ‘go to bed’ and I take him straight to his bed, attach him to the leash and give him the command. As soon as he lays down on his bed, I mark it with a yes.

Because I did this same routine every night, my puppy learned what was expected and he learned the command ‘go to bed’. Now many times our boy will go straight to bed without me telling him too.

crate-free training routine at night- puppy sleeping

Using Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool when it comes to training dogs, especially puppies. Whenever your puppy exhibits a behavior you want to encourage, such as settling down to sleep, praise them with verbal cues.

Again, don’t do treats at night. Stick to praising with your verbal marker word, yes. Don’t pet your puppy either as this may get them excited and they will move from their sleep area.

Avoid scolding or punishing your puppy for unwanted behaviors, as this can create anxiety and stress. Instead, focus on rewarding positive behaviors and redirecting negative ones.

Addressing Nighttime Disturbances

It’s normal for puppies to wake up during the night, especially if they need to go potty or if they hear something.

If your puppy wakes up and starts whining or barking, take them outside for a quick potty break and then bring them back to their sleeping area.

RELATED====> Puppy Potty Training at Night: The Secrets to a Quick and Hassle-Free Experience!

Avoid engaging in play or other stimulating activities, as this can signal to your puppy that it’s time to wake up and play.

To prevent your puppy from confusing their potty break with playtime, leash your puppy outside from their bed area. Take them directly to their designated potty area and have them potty. Then go straight back inside to their bed. Don’t give your puppy the opportunity to ‘play’.

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If your puppy is waking up frequently to go potty, consider adjusting their feeding schedule or taking them outside more frequently during the day.

Also, to prevent your puppy from hearing every creak of the house or car passin’ by, etc. create some white noise. I sleep with a fan and the fan blocks out noises not only for me but for my puppy as well. This results in less whining, barking, or sleep disturbances.

You can also play some Zen music or a T.V. if you like to sleep with either of those or have your puppy in a different area than where you are.

Be consistent!

In order for your dog to learn what is expected, you must be consistent in your nighttime crate-free training routine! I can not stress this enough.

Consistency is KEY to successfully training your puppy to sleep without a crate!

If you aren’t, you are setting yourself up for frustration and your puppy up for failure.


Training your puppy to sleep without a crate can easily be accomplished through establishing a nightly training routine.

By understanding your puppy’s sleep needs, creating a safe sleep environment, establishing a bedtime routine, and using positive reinforcement, and following my training routine, you can successfully train your puppy to sleep without a crate and teach your puppy to go to bed on command and stay their through the night.

Remember to be patient and consistent with your training, and always prioritize your puppy’s safety and well-being.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave a comment below. If you found this post helpful, let me know below or give it a share!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it cruel to train a puppy to sleep without a crate?

No, it is not cruel to train a puppy to sleep without a crate. Many puppy owners prefer crate-free training for a variety of reasons. However, it’s important to create a safe sleep environment and establish a consistent bedtime routine to ensure your puppy is comfortable and secure.

How long does it take to train a puppy to sleep without a crate?

The amount of time it takes to train a puppy to sleep without a crate can vary depending on the individual puppy and their temperament. Some puppies may adjust quickly, while others may take several weeks or even months. The key is to be patient, consistent, and positive in your training approach.

What should I do if my puppy continues to whine or bark at night?

If your puppy continues to whine or bark at night, try playing white noise or calming music to help soothe them. You can also consider adjusting their feeding schedule or taking them outside more frequently during the day to help reduce the need to go potty at night.

Can I train an older dog to sleep without a crate?

Yes, you can train an older dog to sleep without a crate. It may take more time and patience than training a younger puppy as an older dog is already use to some form of a sleep routine.

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