How to Potty Train Your Puppy Like a Pro: 7 Expert Tips!

Potty training a puppy can be a stressful and challenging process, especially if you are unsure of how to properly potty train a puppy. With the right approach, positive reinforcement and consistency you can easily potty train your puppy without the stress and mess giving you more time to love on and bond with your puppy.

I know when I potty trained a puppy for the first time, I thought I was going to pull my hair out!

Today, I am going to share with you 7 expert tips to help you potty train your like a pro! These tips will set you and your puppy up for potty training success! You will establish a routine, avoid accidents, and build positive habits and a positive experience for both you and your pup.

So, enough talk… let’s get to it!

Use these tips with what I teach you here How to Potty Train a Puppy FAST and EASY for puppy potty training success.

Be Patient.

Being patient is key to effectively potty training your puppy.

I think this is the most important tip for any new puppy parent. Potty training can be difficult at times and very trying and testing of one’s patience.

Often times when people lose their patience with their puppy they become angry and want to punish their puppy. Doing this will delay your puppy’s progress and will also break the bond between you two as your puppy will become afraid of you.

Never, I repeat never punish your puppy for having an accident! This may sound harsh, but when accidents happen it is the puppy parents fault not the puppy! They are usually due to lack of consistency and routine.

Use Positive Reinforcement.

Using positive reinforcement will help build your bond and trust with your puppy. It will create a happier and healthier puppy, a puppy eager to please.

When your puppy goes potty in the appropriate spot, whether it is outside or in the litter box, mark it with a yes and praise your puppy. To praise your puppy you can give him a treat or pet him and tell him good boy. Doing this will help teach your puppy where to go potty.

Again I say… Never, I repeat never punish your puppy for having an accident!

Positive reinforcement- puppy gettin a treat

Create a schedule and Establish a Routine.

Consistency… being consistent is vital to your pup’s success! Creating a puppy potty schedule and establishing a routine will help you do just that and stay consistent.

Dogs thrive off of routines. Routines help them learn good habits and helps teach them what is expected of them. You will want to create a schedule and develop a routine that you can be consistent with, include a time to wake up and go to bed, feeding times, water breaks, playtime as well as potty breaks.

Young puppies need to go out frequently. They need to go out at least every 2 hours and after they eat or drink, after they wake up in the morning or after naps, after playtime, and before they go to bed.

RELATED====> What is a Good Potty Schedule for a Puppy (+ FREE Worksheet!)

Use a Designated Potty Area.

Designate one area outside where you want your puppy to potty. Not only does this keep your yard clean and help you or guests from stepping in dog poo but it also helps avoid confusion to your puppy.

Having a designated potty area teaches your puppy what is expected of them when they go out to that area and where they are supposed to potty.

RELATED====> How to Teach Your Puppy to Potty on Command

Watch Your Puppy Closely.

To help avoid accidents, you will need to keep a close eye on your puppy at all times.

To do this you can do a couple things:

  • Use a puppy playpen or use baby gates to block off the main room you are in.
  • Use a training lead and tether your puppy to you.
  • Crate train.

Watch out for behavior signs that your puppy needs to go potty. If you puppy begins sniffing a lot, circling, or whining, your puppy may need to go potty. If you see you puppy do any of the above, take them outside immediately!

Crate Train.

Crate training can be a useful tool when potty training a puppy. Think of your puppies crate like their den. Dogs do not like to potty where they sleep.

It allows you to know where and what your puppy is doing when you can not watch them and it helps them to learn how to hold their bladder.

To avoid accidents in the crate make sure you have the correct size crate for your puppy. If you buy a bigger crate be sure to use a divider to properly size the crate as your puppy grows. Still, be sure to follow a schedule and take them out regularly.

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Properly Clean Up Accidents.

The fact is… accidents happen. So it is crucial to know what to do when your puppy has an accident.

Remember when your puppy has an accident do not punish them. If you catch your puppy about to potty or in the action you can make a noise to distract them or you can pick them up and take them to their potty spot immediately!

If your puppy pees or poos on the floor, you need to clean up the soiled mess with an enzyme-based cleaner to eliminate pet odors. If you fail to do this, your puppy will smell where he previously soiled and will attract your pup try to go potty there again.


Potty training a puppy can be tough but it doesn’t have to be with the right approach, consistency and positive reinforcement.

Follow these 7 expert tips to potty train your puppy like a pro:

  • Be patient.
  • Use Positive Reinforcement.
  • Create a schedule and Establish a routine.
  • Use a designated potty area.
  • Watch your puppy closely.
  • Crate train.
  • Properly clean up accidents.

Following these expert tips will help teach your puppy good potty habits and set them up for potty training success!

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