Is it Important to Teach Your Puppy Basic Obedience? (Answered!)

While pet parents understand that a puppy requires a lot of attention and care i.e. playing, feeding, bathing, potty training, walking ,etc. many pet parents wonder if it is important to teach their puppy basic obedience.

They see those adorable puppy eyes and wagging tails…

Many times inappropriate behaviors are overlooked and even laughed at because they are so ‘cute’.

Many pet parents don’t realize the need of basic obedience until it’s too late.

Regardless of how cute your puppy is, it is important to teach your puppy basic obedience. In fact, it’s crucial!

Basic obedience training lays the foundation for your puppy’s future behavior!

In this blog post, I’ll explain why puppy basic obedience is so important and I’ll explain what happens if you decide to skip obedience training…. Plus, I’ll provide basic obedience training tips that will help you raise a well-behaved and happy member of your family.

So let’s get to it and see why basic obedience training is a MUST and is why it is crucial for your puppy’s future…

Why is Basic Obedience Important for Dogs?

Basic obedience is important for any dog, especially for puppies, because it sets the foundation for good behavior, communication between you and your dog, and enhances your puppy’s socialization skills. It teaches puppies manners, and it sets boundaries and rules, which are important for your pups safety and well-being. It is absolutely necessary to raise a happy and well-behaved dog.

It teaches your puppy how to interact and respond to your commands, which can help prevent behavioral issues in the future.

What Happens if You Don’t Train a Puppy?

Well… to put it is simple as possible, I’m going to ask you this…

What happens when you don’t teach your child right from wrong or manners? What kind of teenager do they become? Adult?

Yep, you guessed it!

They become unruly brats with behavior problems that do whatever they want. They don’t know right from wrong, they don’t listen to anything you say. They do what they want, when they want without a care in the world.

The same happens when you don’t teach your puppy basic obedience…

Destructive Dog From Lack of Obedience Training

They have no manners and they don’t know right from wrong. They grow to develop behavior problems which results in the puppy being moved from one family to another or dropped off at a shelter.

Even worse, the puppy can seriously hurt you or someone else and have to be euthanized. It’s sad but very true.

I’m sure by now you can see exactly how important basic obedience training is, right?

Basic obedience training is beneficial for many reasons, from preventing behavioral issues to building a stronger bond between you and your fur baby.

The Benefits of Teaching Your Puppy Basic Obedience

Teaching your puppy basic obedience commands such as sit, stay and come is a rewarding experience for both you and your dog.

Basic obedience helps your puppy learn important life skills like listening and following directions (commands). This helps build their confidence and trust in you.

Training a puppy to be obedient takes time, patience and dedication, but the rewards are worth it 10 fold! Here’s why…

An obedient dog is well-mannered, easier to manage, is less likely to be destructive or disruptive, and will experience a higher quality of life overall.

Here are 9 benefits of basic obedience training for puppies:

  • Helps set a foundation for good behavior and communication
  • Enhances the bond between the owner and puppy
  • Increases the puppy’s confidence and trust in their owner
  • Helps prevent common behavioral issues like barking, jumping, and aggression
  • Builds the puppy’s socialization skills, making it easier for them to adapt to new environments and situations
  • Improves the puppy’s safety and well-being by teaching them boundaries and rules
  • Leads to a more enjoyable and rewarding experience for both owner and puppy
  • Helps establish good habits at an early age
  • Sets the groundwork for more advanced training in the future

Basic obedience training creates a happier and better-behaved puppy who is more adaptable to different situations.

Why Basic Obedience is Crucial for Your Puppy’s Well-being

Teaching your puppy basic obedience is crucial because it helps them learn appropriate behavior that keeps them safe and healthy in and outside of your home.

By learning basic obedience commands, they are less likely to engage in risky behavior like running into a busy street, eating something harmful, or getting into fights with other dogs.

It helps your puppy to be more focused on you and comfortable in social situations, reducing their anxiety and enhancing their self-confidence.

Now that we understand why basic obedience training is so important, let’s dive into some tips for training.

Tips for Basic Obedience Training Your Puppy

Now that you understand the value of basic obedience training for your fur baby, let’s explore some tips that you can use to ensure training success.

Keep training sessions short and sweet, as puppies have limited attention spans. Keep your training sessions between 10 to 15 minutes, no longer.

Use positive reinforcement techniques. This is key to successful training. Reward your pup with praise, treats, or small toys when they display desired behaviors to encourage them to repeat those actions.

Avoid using punishment-based methods, as these can harm your bond between you and your dog. It breaks your dog’s trust and confidence.

Teach one command at a time and make sure that all members of your family use the same commands and reward system to prevent confusing your puppy.

Begin basic obedience training in a low distraction setting to help your puppy stay focused so that they can develop a consistent understanding of the command and expectations. Once your puppy understands and can consistently follow the command, then you can begin working with small distractions and go up from there.

Be patient and persistent in your training efforts. It’s important to remember puppies will make mistakes and have setbacks (just like children), but consistent training and patience will help them develop good habits in the long run.

If you don’t have the time or patience, save yourself and your puppy the frustration and sign your puppy up for basic obedience school.

Teaching Puppy Basic Commands

Remember, establishing a strong foundation of basic obedience training will set your puppy up for a lifetime of good behavior and a happy relationship with you and your family.

Consistency is Key!

Consistency is key when it comes to basic obedience training for your puppy. It’s important to establish a routine and stick to it, even when you may not see immediate results. Your puppy is still learning, and repetition is crucial to learning and building good habits.

When training, use consistent cues and commands for each behavior. For example, if you want your puppy to sit, always use the same word and/or hand signal. This will prevent confusion and help your puppy understand what is expected of them.

Consistency also applies to your expectations and boundaries. If you don’t want your puppy on the couch, don’t allow them on the couch even when it’s tempting to cuddle. If you consistently enforce this boundary, your puppy will eventually understand that the couch is off-limits.

It’s also important to be consistent in your praise and rewards. When your puppy behaves appropriately, give them immediate positive reinforcement, whether it’s a treat, toy, or verbal praise. This will reinforce good behavior and encourage them to repeat it in the future.


Puppy basic obedience training is very important and is crucial for your puppy’s future development and behavior as it teaches your puppy right from wrong. It teaches them manners and how to behave appropriately while also keeping them safe.

your puppy will thrive and become a happy and well-behaved member of your family. Remember that consistency is key when training your pup and follow the effective training tips provided.

As the saying goes, “a well-trained dog is a happy dog,” and with proper training, you can ensure a lifetime of happiness for your dog and you.

So, invest the time and effort in basic obedience training and watch your little puppy grow into a confident and well-behaved dog.

If you have any questions or comments leave them below. If you found this post helpful, let me know or give it a share.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is basic obedience training important for my puppy?

Basic obedience training is important for your puppy as it helps establish clear communication between you and your dog. It promotes good behavior, teaches essential commands for safety, and enhances socialization skills, making your puppy a well-rounded and obedient companion.

At what age should I start teaching my puppy basic obedience?

It's best to start teaching your puppy basic obedience commands from the first day you get them. Puppies have a short attention span, but beginning training at around 8 to 12 weeks of age allows them to learn and adapt more quickly, setting a solid foundation for future training.

What are the key commands I should focus on during basic obedience training?

 The key commands to focus on during basic obedience training include sit, stay, down, come, no, yes, leave it/drop it, and heel (leash walking). These commands establish control, ensure your puppy's safety, and lay the groundwork for more advanced training techniques.

How long does it take to see results from basic obedience training?

 The time it takes to see results from basic obedience training varies depending on factors such as the puppy's age, breed, temperament, and consistency of training. While some progress can be seen within a few weeks, complete mastery of commands may take several months of consistent practice and reinforcement.

Can I train my puppy basic obedience at home, or should I seek professional help?

You can train your puppy in basic obedience at home with patience, dedication and consistency. If you don't have the time, patience, or can't be consistent, I would recommend seeking professional help from a qualified dog trainer.

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