Why is Crate Training Important? 13 Benefits of Crate Training!

Are you skeptical about crate training your puppy? Wondering if crate training is really necessary or why is crate training important?

If so, you’re not alone! Many pet parents have the same questions and concerns about crating their puppies, wondering if it is truly necessary or worrying that it may be cruel or uncomfortable for their pups.

The truth is…

Crate training is NOT necessary, you can train your dog without using a crate. With that said, crate training is important and is actually beneficial for your dog and for you!

In this blog post, I’ll reveal the benefits of crate training that will answer your questions and make you reconsider any negative thoughts you may have about crate training.

So get comfortable and get ready to learn why crate training is important and why it is the ultimate solution for a happier, healthier dog and a happier, less-stressed you…

Crate Training is Not Cruel

Let’s start here and get this out of the way…

One of the most common concerns about crate training is that it’s cruel. With that said, when done correctly, crate training is a safe and comfortable space for your dog.

You see… by nature, dogs are den animals, and they seek out small, enclosed spaces to feel safe and secure.

A crate provides comfort and serves as a den for your puppy. It creates a safe and secure environment where your dog can relax, sleep and feel at ease.

RELATED===> Is Crate Training Cruel? The Truth Behind Crate Training!

Why is Crate Training Important?

Crate training is an important tool to help dogs, young and old with their behavioral and training needs. It helps with housebreaking your dog, provides structure and routine, prevents unwanted and destructive behavior as well as it provides your dog with a safe and secure place to call their own.

What Are The Benefits of Crate Training?

Although crate training is not necessary, as you can have a happy and healthy dog without crate training BUT…

RELATED===> How to Train a Puppy Without a Crate: Alternatives to Crate Training!

It is very beneficial to you dog and you for many reasons…

Crate training creates a comfortable space for your dog, prevents destructive behavior, helps aid in potty training/ housebreaking, can help reduce general and separation anxiety, keeps your pup safe, can help when you have visitors, makes travelling easier and safer, gives you peace of mind, promotes good behavior, prepares your dog for overnight stays, and it can help your dog heal faster.

Let’s dive into each one.

1. Crate Training Creates a Comfortable Space for Your Dog

Crate training isn’t just about keeping your pup contained. It is a place where they can feel safe and comfortable. A place to call their own where they can sleep and just relax.

When you introduce your dog to their crate slowly and positively, you can create a space where they feel relaxed and protected even in unfamiliar settings.

In addition to serving as a comforting space, a crate can also be a great tool for promoting calm behavior and relaxation. When your pup is feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated, retreating to their crate can provide a much-needed moment of peace and quiet.

By making sure your dog’s crate is cozy and inviting, you can help them learn that it’s a place of comfort to rest and recharge.

Crate training is a valuable tool for creating a well-behaved and confident pup. By providing your dog with a safe and comfortable space, you can give them the tools they need to handle all kinds of different situations.

Dog relaxing in their crate

2. Crate Training Prevents Destructive Behavior

Destructive behavior is often a sign of boredom, anxiety, or excessive energy. It can come in the form of digging, chewing or scratching.

Dogs, especially puppies, are naturally curious and can easily become destructive as they think they are just playing. The fact is, they don’t know any better.

They can be destructive when you are at home, but often times it happens when you are away or when your back is turned and you aren’t looking.

This is why crate training is such a powerful tool in preventing destructive behavior.

Dogs can get into all sorts of trouble while you’re away, from chewing on furniture or cords to digging holes in your yard or even in the garden if left outside.

By using a crate, you can create a safe and secure environment for your puppy while also giving yourself peace of mind knowing that they are not causing any damage to themselves or your home.

3. Crate Training Helps With Potty Training

As mentioned, crate training provides a secure and comfortable space for your dog to relax in. This safe space can also serve as a helpful tool when it comes to potty training.

Dogs naturally avoid using the bathroom in their sleeping area, making the crate an effective solution for potty training.

By keeping your puppy confined to their crate when unsupervised or while you are away from home, you can control their access to other areas of the house and prevent accidents. You are also teaching your dog to hold their bladder/bowels.

Crate training can help establish a routine and consistent potty schedule for your puppy, making it easier for them to understand when it’s time to go outside and what is expected when you go outside to potty.

RELATED===> How to Teach Your Dog to Potty on Command (The Breakdown!)

This structure can lead to a happier (less stressful and messy) lifestyle for both you and your dog.

4. Crate Training Can Reduce Anxiety

Not only can crate training help with potty training and routine building, but it can also have a positive impact on a dog’s anxiety levels. When used correctly, a crate can become a place of calm and relaxation, allowing dogs to unwind and de-stress.

The secure and confined space of a crate provides a sense of comfort and safety for dogs. This can be especially beneficial for dogs who experience separation anxiety or have a fear of loud noises, such as thunderstorms.

Giving them a comforting place to retreat can help them relieve their anxiety and anxiety-related behaviors such as pacing.

By having a designated safe space, dogs can feel more at ease and relaxed during stressful situations.

5. Crate Training Keeps Your Pup Safe

Crate training can offer more than just a quiet space for a pup to retreat to. It can also be a safe haven that can prevent them from getting hurt.

Imagine leaving your pup alone at home while you run errands or go to work…

Without proper training, they’re free to roam and chew on anything and everything in their path. With a crate, they’re confined to a designated area that keeps them away from harm’s way.

For instance, they won’t be able to chew on electrical cords or ingest something that could harm or potentially kill them. In short, crate training can help protect your pup from potential dangers.

And it’s not just when you’re out of the house, either. They can get into things they shouldn’t the minute you turn your back, just like a toddler. There also may be instances where you need to keep your pup in a secure area, such as during house repairs, when the cable/ internet guy comes over or during maintenance work.

A crate can provide a safe space for your puppy and for your guests during these times.

Crate training’s ability to keep your pup safe is just another reason why it’s worth considering. But it doesn’t stop there…

6. Crate Training Can Help When You Have Visitors

A crate is an excellent tool to help your dog develop good manners when you have guests over.

When you put your dog in the crate prior to your guests arriving, you can help your dog with the anxiety or over-excitement they may feel when your visitors arrive.

This gives your dog a place to watch and observe and smell from a distance. Doing this allows your dog to calm down to be able to properly greet your visitors. It also prevents any unacceptable and unwanted behaviors when greeting your guests such as barking, lunging, growling, jumping, or licking.

Often times guests will get your dog going more by acknowledging them (even when you ask them not to) by talking to them, or even reaching in to pet them.

Crating your dog when they arrive can prevent your guests from unknowingly encouraging the bad behavior.

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7. Crate Training Makes Travelling Easier and Safer

Keeping your pup in a crate can also make traveling with them easier.

Whether you’re going to the grocery store, on a road trip or flying, having a crate-trained dog can alleviate some of the stress and anxiety that can come with travelling with a dog. A crate provides a familiar and secure space for your pup, no matter where you are.

With a little bit of training, your pup can learn to associate their crate with a sense of calm and comfort, making the travel experience much smoother for both you and your pup.

Crates provide a safe and comfortable place for dogs to travel, even if it’s just to the store or park. A crate can keep your dog from distracting you in the car, from getting tangled in their leash, or from running back and forth or all over your car.

God forbid, if you were to get into an accident a crate would keep your dog much safer and can prevent serious injury.

Dog in crate travelling in an SUV

Many airlines require that dogs be crated during flights, and having a pup who is already familiar with their crate can make the process much less stressful for you and your dog.

Plus, if you’re staying in a hotel, cabin or rental property, having a crate can provide a safe and comfortable space for your pup to rest while you’re out exploring while also giving you the peace of mind that you don’t have to pay extra for damage to the property.

Overall, crate training your pup can make a big difference in how your dog handles new and stressful situations, including travelling.

8. Crate Training Can Help With Separation Anxiety

When it comes to separation anxiety, many pet parents struggle with finding ways to help their fur baby cope with being alone. However, crate training can provide a solution to this common problem.

By creating a positive association with their crate, dogs can feel secure and comforted when left alone.

The key to using a crate for separation anxiety is to introduce it slowly using positive reinforcement…

Start by leaving the crate open and filled with cozy bedding or toys. Encourage your pup to explore it on their own terms, and reward them with treats or praise when they do. Once they are comfortable with the crate, start closing the door for short periods of time while you are still in the room. Over time, gradually increase the amount of time you leave them alone in the crate.

Crate training also encourages independence, as your dog learns to spend time alone in their crate.

By creating a routine and positive experience around the crate, you can help your dog feel more confident when you are not around. This can lead to a decrease in destructive behaviors and anxious behaviors like excessive barking or pacing.

9. Crate Training Promotes Good Behavior

Crate training can help with the prevention of unwanted behaviors such as chewing on furniture, barking excessively, or jumping up on guests. When used as a training tool, a crate teaches dogs what is acceptable behavior and what is not.

Providing a crate for your dog gives them structure and discipline, which can be helpful in promoting good behavior.

Not only can crate training reduce separation anxiety and prevent destructive behaviors, but it can also strengthen the bond between you and your dog. By creating a personal space for your dog within your home, you are establishing trust and providing a sense of security for your fur baby.

10. Crate Training Prepares Your Dog for Overnight Stays

If you every decide to go on vacation or have to go out of town for an unexpected event such as a sickness or death in the family, you may not be able to take your dog with you. In that case, you may need to board your dog.


Your dog may injury themselves, get sick or have to have surgery at the vet’s office. If this happens, you HAVE to leave your dog overnight.

When either happen, crate training will help make the stay more comfortable and less stressful as they will already be used to being crated.

Dog in crate at the vet during an overnight stay

11. Crate Training Can Help Your Dog Heal Faster

If your dog does have an injury or surgery, a crate can help your dog heal faster.

How you ask?

Well… if you dog is free to roam, they will do just that. They will be up and walking around and trying to play. When confined to their crate, they can’t do these things which can speed up the recovery process and time.

12. Crate Training Gives You Peace of Mind

With a well-trained pup who sees the crate as a safe and cozy space, you can leave the house without worrying about coming home to destruction or messes.

Knowing that your fur baby is secure and content in their crate can also alleviate any guilt or stress you may feel about leaving them alone.

13. Crate Training Gives You Less Stress

When you crate train your dog, you are making the training process much less stressful for yourself.

Think of having a puppy, like a baby or toddler. You child needs constant supervision. If you have to walk out of the room or need a break, you will put your child in a playpen for their safety.

Crating your dog gives you a break. Without a break you can become stressed and overwhelmed. You also avoid the stress of accidents in the house, destructive behaviors while you are away, travelling.

It makes training easier and less stressful… period.


Crate training is an excellent option for dog parents looking for an effective way to train their puppy.

It is not cruel (far from cruel even and is an important tool to help dogs with behavioral and training needs.

A crate prevents destructive behavior, aids in potty training, reduces anxiety, keeps your pet safe, makes travelling easier, creates a comfortable space for your pup, helps with separation anxiety, gives you peace of mind, promotes good behavior, helps prepare your dog for overnight stays and can help your dog heal faster.

Ready to start crate training, use this guide- How to Crate Train a Dog Successfully: The Ultimate Guide to ensure that you do it properly for a successful outcome.

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