Should I Let my Dog on the Couch? (The Answer Revealed!)

You may have heard that you should not allow your dog on the couch but you really would like to cuddle up on the sofa with your dog. Or maybe your dog keeps trying to get on the couch and you are unsure if you should allow him to and you are wondering if it is OK to let your dog on the sofa.

Whatever your reasoning, let me answer your question… Should I let my dog on the couch?

Allowing your dog on the couch is a privilege and it should be earned by your dog. With that that said, At the end of the day, it is your house, your rules. Either way, boundaries should be set and your entire household should follow the same rule.

I am going to share with you some pros and cons of letting your dog on the couch. I will answer common questions that I get asked by many on this topic and I will give you some insider tips on the best way to approach allowing your fur baby on the couch if you choose to do so or how you can keep your fur baby off.

Why do dogs want to go on the couch?

A couch is well… comfortable. Who wouldn’t want to lay on something soft, fluffy and oh-so-comfy?

Also, dogs like to be where their owners are at and some dogs just LOVE to cuddle and get affection.

Should I let my dog on the couch- Dog sleeping on couch

The Pros and Cons of letting your dog on the Couch.

I believe starting with the pros and cons of letting your dog on the couch allows you to really make an informed decision about what the rule will be for your dog in your home.

It allows you to see the whole picture and it will help guide you to how you want to go about training your dog based on your decision.

Pros of letting your dog on the couch.

Cuddle and bonding time.

Cons of letting your dog on the couch.

Wear and Tear on your couch like scratches.

Pet dander, dirt and debris, bodily fluids and pee/fecal matter, dog hair.

Depending on the size of your dog, he may take up the couch.

Doesn’t give you any personal space or your guests.

What your dog does in your house he will do in someone else’s house.

Behavior issues. This usually only happens if you have dominant dog and/or your dog is territorial/resource guarding.

Is it OK to let your dog on the sofa?

Yes, it is OK to let your dog on the sofa if YOU choose to.

With that said, sofa time IS a privilege and should be treated as so.

It is important for your dog to have boundaries regardless of their age. It is absolutely possible to give your dog too much freedom.

Couch privileges should, first and foremost, be based upon your dog’s behavior and your dog should understand and listen to you.

Here is a video of Ken Steepe from McCann Dogs. He does a great job quickly explaining what types of dogs should be allowed on the couch in regard to manners and behavior.

Is it Cruel to not let your dog on furniture? Is it mean to keep your dog off the couch?

Absolutely NOT! You can be an animal lover and not allow your dog on the couch or bed for that matter. It doesn’t make you cruel or mean in any way. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Some so-called “animal lovers” can be extreme and to be honest if you watch the behavior of their dog, there is usually no boundaries and the dog runs them. No bueno!

Let me make a comparison to help you better understand. I use this comparison a lot because it is true. Your dog is like your child. Just as your child needs boundaries so does your dog. Without boundaries, your dog can develop behavioral problems just as your child would without boundaries. Setting boundaries for your child does not make you a mean or cruel parent.

Whether or not you allow your dog on the couch, make sure you have a comfortable place for your dog to lay. It can be a dog bed or a crate with a bed in it. Your dog needs their own personal space.

The Golden Rule for allowing your dog on the couch.

Regardless of the approach you decide to take, it is IMPORTANT that your dog moves when he is told AND that your dog understands and complies when told to get off.

How to Teach Your Dog to get Off the Couch?

To teach your dog to get off the couch, you will want some treats.

When your dog gets on the couch (himself or you invite him up) guide him off of the couch by luring him with a treat. When all four paws hit the ground, mark the behavior with a yes. Do this a few times. Once your dog understands the ‘game’ and gets off the couch as you lure him down then you can begin adding the command cue off.

PRO TIP: The off command can also be used when your dog jumps up which is why it is important to mark the behavior when ALL FOUR paws hit the ground. Again, all four paws on the ground is the behavior we want for the off command.

When You Should NOT Let Your Dog on the couch…

If your dog ever growls, refuses to get off, move or snaps at you, do NOT allow your dog on the couch! If your dog’s behavior is or becomes bad, couch privileges become revoked- End of story!

Any display of dominant and/or territorial behavior and needs to be addressed immediately.

RELATED===> How to Establish Dominance Over a Dog

To Let or Not to Let your Dog Have Couch Privileges: The Great Debate!

This is a topic that to this day is debated among dog owners and ‘animal lovers’. Regardless of what others say, it is important for you to decide what is best for you and your dog. You didn’t buy your dog for anyone else but YOU, so their opinions really are irrelevant and in this case there is no right or wrong answer.

With that said, your dog needs to understand boundaries and have good manners.

By now you probably have an idea if you want to let your dog on the couch or if you don’t. So I will share with you the approaches you can take when it comes to allowing your dog on the couch so you can decide what you want to do.

  • Free reign.
  • Keep your dog off the couch completely.
  • Allow your dog on the couch when invited.

Free Reign Access to the Couch.

This means that you dog is allowed on the couch as he pleases. He can get on the couch whenever he wants to.

How do I Teach my Dog to Stay Off the Couch?

If you want to keep your dog off the couch completely that is A-OK!

Whenever your dog tries to get on the couch (this includes putting their paws on the couch) say NO.

If your dog doesn’t remove his paws when told no, GENTLY guide him off while saying off.

When all four paws hit the ground mark it with a YES and praise him.

Continue to do this and your dog will soon learn that the behavior is unacceptable.

If your dog actually jumps on the couch you will want to immediately tell your dog to get off. Continue doing this until your dog understands that he is not allowed on the couch.

How to Train a dog to stay off the couch unless invited.

This is the most popular approach. It is the best of both worlds per SE.

This is because this approach allows you the ability to cuddle and bond with your dog on your terms (when you decide).

Training your dog to stay off the couch unless invited also allows you to maintain your personal space and the personal space of your guests.

And it limits the wear and tear on your couch.

It gives your dog boundaries while also rewarding them with extra comfort and cuddle time.

So how do you train a dog to stay off the couch unless invited?

To do this will want to have a hand command and a voice command. For example tapping the couch while saying come or get up.

If your dog tries to get on the couch without your cue tell him no and/or off.

Once your dog is up, have your dog lay down beside you. Mark with yes and praise him.

Teaching your dog to lay down when he comes on the helps teach your dog couch manners. No one likes rough housing on the couch. The couch is a place to chill and relax.

Start with a few minutes at a time and you can gradually work your way up to movie length as long as your dog is being on his best behavior.

PRO TIP: Only allow your dog on one cushion/ area of the couch that way you can protect your couch from wear and tear (scratches) and pet dander, dirt and debris, bodily fluids and pee/fecal matter left behind with a protector, blanket, or dog bed for the couch.


Couch rights is a privilege and should be earned by your dog. At the end of the day, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to letting your dog on the couch.

The decision is yours… regardless of the approach you choose, it is important to set boundaries for you dog and for them to listen to you if you need your dog to move or get off the couch.

If you have any question or comments leave them below.

Happy Training,

Lisa Marie

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