Why Do Dog Paws Smell Like Doritos or Corn Chips? Mystery Solved!

You’ve probably noticed an odd, but familiar smell coming from your dog’s paws. It’s an all too familiar scent that some describe as the smell of corn chips or Fritos, it reminds me of the smell of Doritos. 

Have you ever wondered why your dog’s paws smell like this? I know I have which is why I decided to get to the bottom of it.  

In this blog post, I’ll unveil the mystery behind this chip smell phenomenon and explore the science behind it. 

I’ll also discuss factors that influence the smell of your dog’s paws, if it’s normal, what you should do if they smell bad, and how to keep your dog’s paws clean and healthy. 

So, get ready to learn more about your dog’s fascinating yet unappealing paw odor.

Why Do Dogs’ Paws Smell Like Doritos or Corn Chips?

The smell of Doritios or corn chips coming from your dog’s paw is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria or yeast on your dog’s paws. This odor is caused by naturally occurring bacteria on your dog’s skin and paws, specifically the Proteus and Pseudomonas bacteria.

To fully understand why your dog’s paws smell like chips, we need to dive into the science behind.

why does my dog's paws smell like chips

The Science Behind the Chip Smell.

Just like humans, dogs have natural bacteria on their skin that can contribute to a variety of smells. The smell of chips is due to the presence of two specific types of bacteria that I mentioned earlier- Proteus and Pseudomonas bacteria.

These bacterias give off a odor that smells like corn chips. They produce organic compounds that are responsible for that all-so-familiar smell.

The reason why these bacterias and yeast thrive on your dog’s paws is due to the warm and and moist environment they provide.

You see, your dog sweats through their pads, and when they do they create moisture that gets in between their toes. This is why the chip smell can be particularly strong when your dog’s paws are moist or sweaty. Excessive licking can also be a culprit to excess moisture in your dog paws.

A moist environment can provide the perfect breeding ground for this bacteria to grow and flourish.

Is it Normal for Dog’s Paws to Smell Like Chips?

Yes, it is completely normal for your dog’s paws to smell like chips. It is a common condition that affects dogs of all breeds, shapes and sizes.

While the smell can be quite unpleasant, small amounts of this yeast is completely harmless to your fur baby.

That being said, excessive yeast or bacterial growth can cause redness, inflammation, itchiness, and even infection. By excessive, I mean that you can smell (granted no one is actually eating Doritios or corn chips) the chip smell without putting your nose to your dog’s paws. 

With that said, practicing regular paw grooming, cleaning and thoroughly drying excess moisture, can help remove any dirt or bacteria that may contribute to this odd smell.

dog's feet smell like fritos

So, why do some dogs have stronger smelling paws than others? 

Factors such as diet, hygiene, and exercise can all play a role in the strength of the smell of your dog’s paws. Dogs with a diet high in carbohydrates or who sweat a lot during exercise may have stronger smelling paws. 

Also, dogs who don’t receive regular paw grooming, such as nail and fur trimming and cleaning, may have a stronger odor.

If your dog’s paw odor is particularly strong or foul, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue such as an infection or allergies. If you suspect either, you can talk to your vet. 

To keep your dog’s paws smelling fresh, it’s important to practice good paw grooming. 

This includes regular nail trimming, cleaning, and drying after walks or playtime. And wiping your dog’s paws with a damp cloth after being outside can help remove any dirt or bacteria that may contribute to the smell.

Factors that Influence the Smell of Your Dog’s Paws:

Several factors can contribute to the noticeable Dorito or corn chip smell coming from your dog’s paws. 

Firstly, the breed of your dog can play a role in the smell. Breeds with tightly packed toes, such as Bulldogs, Pugs, or Shar Peis, may experience more paw odor than breeds with more open toes, like Greyhounds or Whippets.

Another factor is your dog’s activities. Dogs’ paws sweat, and any sweat accumulation can lead to bacterial growth, causing an odor. If your dog is very active or spends a lot of time outdoors, paw odor may be more noticeable. 

Certain environments can affect the smell of your dog’s paws, such as walking on damp grass or in dusty areas.

And the diet of your dog can also influence the smell of their paws. Foods that contain corn or soy can cause an increase in yeast in the body, which can produce a distinctive odor. If your dog’s paw odor is particularly strong and unpleasant, it’s worth checking their diet to see if it could be contributing to your dog’s smelly paws.

What Should You Do If Your Dog’s Paws Smell Bad?

If you just can’t stand the smell of your dog’s Dorito feet, there is a few things you can do to help reduce the smell. 

Regularly wash your dog’s paws with pet shampoo and water can help reduce the corn chip smell and prevent any buildup of dirt or bacteria. 

Keep your dog’s paws trimmed and hair-free to help reduce the odor and prevent any infections. 

You can also make a soak for your dog’s paws with 3 ingredients. Dr. Jones From Veternary Secrets shares a quick and easy paw soak recipe to soak your dog’s paws in to reduce the Frito odor in his video below. 

You will need a few ingredients that is probably already in your pantry. 

How to Keep Your Dog’s Paws Clean and Healthy

Regular paw cleaning is important to keeping your dog’s paws healthy and odor-free. Here are some tips for keeping your dog’s paws in tip top shape:

Cleanse with care: Use a mild soap and warm water to clean your dog’s paws, being sure to rinse thoroughly to eliminate all soap residue. Use pet shampoo. Avoid using human shampoos, as these can be too harsh on your dog’s sensitive skin.

Moisturize: Dry paws can crack and become more prone to infection. After washing your dog’s paws, apply a moisturizing paw butter, balm or cream to help soothe and protect their delicate paw pads.

RELATED: DIY Guide to Making Homemade Paw Balm (+3 Ingredient Paw Balm Recipe!)

Nail trimming: Regular nail trimming is essential for maintaining your dog’s overall paw health. If your dog’s nails grow too long, they can cause discomfort and even lead to infections or mobility issues.

Regular fur grooming: Keep the hair between your dog’s paw pads trimmed and neat to help prevent infection and reduce odor. Long hair can trap dirt and debris, leading to bacterial growth and funky smells.Your dog’s fur show not grow past their paw pads. 

By following these simple steps, you can help keep your dog’s paws clean, healthy, and smelling great.


The mystery behind why dogs’ paws smell like Doritos or corn chips has been revealed! 

It’s a common and natural condition brought about by a combination of factors, including sweat and bacteria. While the odor may not be pleasant, it’s not a cause for alarm unless it becomes excessively strong or foul. 

Maintaining good paw hygiene and regular checkups with your vet can help keep your dog’s paws healthy and happy.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below. If you found this post helpful, let me know below or give it a share. 

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