5 Expert Tips for Cleaning Your Dog’s Paws: No More Dirty Paws!

5 Tips for Keeping your Dog’s Paws-itively Clean!

As dog parents, we’ve all experienced the frustration of our fur baby bringing in mud, dirt, and even dog poo in the house on their paws, turning our once clean homes into a chaotic mess.

Although cleaning dog paws isn’t a task many dog parents think about (until its to late), cleaning our dog’s paws is an important task! Not only for a clean home but for our dog’s health and well-being.

Luckily, there are some tips that can keep your dog’s paws clean.

In this blog post, I’ll cover 5 ways to easily clean your dog’s paws. From training your dog to wipe their own paws to different ways you can wipe them.

So, let’s jump right in and discover how you can make life cleaner for both you and your fur baby.

Train your Dog to Let You Wipe Their Paws

Before you can properly clean your dog’s paws, it’s important to train your dog to allow their paws to be wiped and cleaned. This can be done by starting with short training sessions and rewarding your dog for allowing you to touch their paws. Gradually increase the time and frequency of the sessions until your dog is comfortable having their paws handled.

Once your dog is comfortable with his paws being touched. Teach your dog the paw command. I use this command only for when I am cleaning my dog’s paws, that way he knows what to expect and knows what I am going to do.

PRO TIP: Keeping your dog’s hair on his paws trimmed will help prevent dirt and bacteria from getting stuck on the hair. This makes paw cleaning even faster and easier.

clean a dog's paws with a towel

Keep a Towel by the Door

A towel placed by the door can be used to wipe your dog’s paws as they come in from outside. It is a quick and easy solution that can save time and effort in cleaning up after your dog.

You will want to keep a clean, dry towel by the door. This towel will be your dog’s towel, specifically for wiping his paws. Wiping your dog’s paws with a towel will keep your floors clean, especially during rainy or muddy days.

After your pup knows how to give you their paw, introduce a small towel or rag and wipe their paw. At first the may try to play with the towel. Firmly tell your dog no. When he allows you to wipe his paw without trying to play with the towel, mark with a yes.

At first it takes a little extra time but it won’t be long before your puppy will sit and offer his paw before he is asked.

Using a towel is a great start, but if you want to take cleanliness to the next level, consider investing in paw wipes or paw washer. In the next section, we’ll explore how a paw washer can elevate paw hygiene to the next level.

Use Paw Wipes

A great and easy way to keep your dog’s paws clean is to invest in paw wipes. These wipes are specifically designed to clean your dog’s paws and are also perfect for when you are on the go. Paw Wipes are great for dogs that are reluctant to have their paws cleaned with water. Simply use the wipes to clean your dog’s paws and you’re done!

Easy Peasy!

RELATED====> Can I Use Baby Wipes to Clean my Dog’s Paws: Is it Safe?

Clean dog's paws with dog wipes

Use a Paw Washer

Using a paw wipes is a great way to keep your dog’s paws clean, but a paw washer can offer an even better solution for keeping really dirty paws, clean.

A paw washer is a tool that can be filled with water, and your dog’s paw can be placed inside to gently wash away dirt, mud, and other debris. Paw washers come in a variety of styles and sizes, so it’s important to choose one that’s right for your dog’s needs.

By using a paw washer in addition to a towel, you’ll be able to remove any stubborn dirt or debris that may be clinging to your dog’s paws. This can help to prevent skin irritation, infections, and other paw-related issues. Once you’ve washed your dog’s paws with a paw washer, you can use a towel to dry them thoroughly before your dog comes back inside.

However, it’s important to note that not all dogs will enjoy having their paws washed in a paw washer. Some dogs may be fearful or anxious about having their paws submerged in water, so it’s important to introduce the tool slowly and gently. With patience and positive reinforcement, your dog can learn to enjoy having their paws washed and will appreciate the extra level of cleanliness that comes with using a paw washer.

Train Your Dog to Wipe Their Own Paws

If you are looking for an easy way to clean your dog’s paws with minimal effort, then you can teach your dog how to wipe his own paws.

With that said, training your dog to wipe his own paws will not completely keep your dog from tracking in mud, dirt, etc. but it can lessen the amount greatly.

To train your dog to wipe his own paws you will want to have a rug outside and one inside the door as well. Make sure the rug is big enough for your dog to walk around on.

Before going inside, walk on the outdoor rug and have your dog follow you. While your dog follows you, (as long as he is on the rug) say the command wipe your feet and mark it with a yes. You can do this a few times.

Once inside, you can have your dog do the same thing. Give him the command and mark it with a yes. Make sure this rug is a little more fuzzy to really get in between your dog’s pads too. You can also give your dog a treat before you allow him to go into the rest of the house with his release command.

You will eventually phase out him following you and give him the command to wipe his paws and when he walks around on the carpet mark it with a yes.

train your dog to wipe their own paws

Make it a Routine

Keeping your dog’s paws clean is not a one-time task, but rather a routine. By making paw cleaning a regular practice, your dog will get used to it and it will a become a quick process that will take you seconds.

Clean your dog’s paws every time you come inside. This is very important! Clean their paws after a walk, after playing outside, and even after going potty. In doing so, your dog will learn what is expected from him when coming inside. It will prevent your dog from barreling back inside and tracking dirt, mud or whatever else may be on their paws in the house. Your dog will learn to come in and sit patiently until his paws are cleaned and he is released.

By making paw cleaning a regular practice, not only will you be keeping your dog’s paws clean and healthy, but it will also help prevent any potential health issues that may arise from dirty and infected paws.


Keeping your dog’s paws clean doesn’t have to be a time-consuming task. By following these tips, you can keep your fur baby’s paws clean, free of any bacteria and your home dirt free. Remember to find the method that works best for you and stick to it.

Not only will your floors thank you, but your dog will also appreciate the extra TLC. As the saying goes, “a clean paw is a happy paw,” so make sure to put these tips into practice and keep your dog’s paws looking so fresh and so clean.

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