7 Natural Remedies for Dry and Cracked Dog Paws: Smooth Paws Ahead!

If you’re a dog parent, you know that your dog’s paws are more than just cute little feet. They act as your dog’s shoes and they are what allows your dog to run, jump, and play with joy.

Because of this, dry and cracked paw pads are a common issue dogs face that can cause discomfort, pain, and even infections for your fur baby.

If you are like me, you would rather use natural remedies to heal your dog’s paw pads before using products filled with chemicals that I can barely read.

Today, I will share with you 7 of the most effective natural remedies for your dog’s dry and cracked paw pads.

From the moisturizing power of coconut oil to the soothing properties of oatmeal baths.

Read on to learn how you can help relieve your dog’s discomfort and heal your dog’s rough paw pads.

Coconut Oil: A Natural Moisturizer

Coconut oil is an all-natural effective remedy to heal dry and cracked dog paw pads. It has natural moisturizing properties that will hydrate your dog’s dry, cracked paws.

It contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Coconut oil contains an acid called lauric acid. When you apply coconut oil to your dog’s paws, this acid helps protect against bacteria and fungal infections. The anti-inflammatory properties helps reduce redness and swelling that can be caused from excessive dryness.

Coconut oil also contains natural fatty acids that soothes and relieves your dog’s paw pain and discomfort.

How to Use Coconut Oil on Your Dog’s Paws…

To use coconut oil for dry and cracked paws, apply a small amount of virgin coconut oil onto your dog’s paws and massage the oil it in gently. You can do this daily or as needed.

coconut oil for moisturizing dog paws

Vitamin E Oil: A Healing Moisturizer

Vitamin E oil is well-know for its healing and moisturizing properties for skin that can also be an effective remedy for your dog’s paws.

Vitamin E deeply moisturizes. It penetrates deep into the skin (and your dog’s paws) and hydrates within. It can soften your dog’s rough, dry, cracked paws restoring their natural state.

It has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe irritated and inflamed paws. And Vitamin E promotes healing.

How to Use Vitamin E Oil on Your Dog’s Paws…

Clean your dog’s paws, wipe off any dirt or debris. Put a few drops of Vitamin E oil onto your fingertips and then massage it into your dog’s paw pads.

Let the oil soak into your dog’s paws. (To help keep your dogs attention use a lick mat with some natural peanut butter on it.)

You can do this once or twice a day depending on how bad your dog’s pads are.

Shea Butter: A Natural Soothing, Healing, Protective Moisturizer

Shea butter is a great natural remedy for your dog’s dry and cracked paws. He contains soothing, healing and moisturizing properties.

Shea butter is also a deeply moisturizing, that hydrates deeply from within and it provides long-lasting moisture.

It is an anti-inflammatory that reduces swelling, redness, and inflammation. Shea butter is rich in antioxidants that can speed up the healing process.

Shea butter softens, soothes and provides a protective barrier over your dog’s paws making a barrier that protects their paws from harsh weather conditions and rough surfaces.

It is non-toxic, so you won’t have to worry if your dog licks his paws.

How to Use Shea Butter on Your Dog’s Paws…

Applying Shea Butter on your dog’s paw pads is simple. Apply a small amount onto your dog’s pads and massage it in.

You can do this 2-3 times a day as needed.

Calendula Extract: A Natural, Herbal Remedy

Calendula Extract is another excellent choice. It is a natural, herbal remedy made from the flowers of Calendula (aka pot marigold or common marigold). It contains biologically active compounds that give the extract its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and soothing properties.

It reduces inflammation and helps prevent and fight infections on your dog’s paws.

Calendula Extract is a natural moisturizer, and soothes and promotes gentle healing of any minor wounds or irritations on your dog’s paw pads.


It’s non-toxic and safe for your fur baby!

How to Use Calendula Extract on Your Dog’s Paws…

This extract needs a carrier oil such as coconut oil. You can also use jojoba oil or olive oil. Mix 2-3 drops with your carrier oil. Then massage the oil into your dog’s paw pads.

You can find Calendula Extract at your local health food stores, herbal stores or online. You may find it at your local pet store and of course you can purchase it off of Amazon. You can also buy it in a cream or lotion but oil will penetrate deeper. Buy high-quality, organic Calendula Extract in its purest form.

Aloe Vera: An Anti-Inflammatory Solution

Aloe vera is an anti-inflammatory, which means it can help reduce the swelling and redness that often accompanies dry and cracked paw pads.

Aloe vera can soothe and comfort your dog’s paws helping your dog feel more comfortable.

How to Use Aloe Vera on Your Dog’s Paws…

To use aloe vera on your dog’s paws, apply a small amount of aloe vera gel onto the affected area of your dog’s paws. Be careful not to get it in between their toes as too much moisture between your dogs toes can cause bacteria growth.

As with coconut oil, be sure to use the purest form such as organic aloe vera gel to avoid any hidden chemicals or contaminants that could cause more harm than good.

aloe vera gel for dog paws

Oatmeal Baths: A Soothing Remedy

If you’re looking for an instant soothing remedy, oatmeal baths are also an excellent option. Just like us humans, dogs can benefit from an oatmeal bath.

Oatmeal baths are gentle and can help to relieve irritation and itchiness. Oatmeal contains polysaccharides, which help to soothe and calm inflamed skin including your dog’s paws.

How to Prepare an Oatmeal Bath for Your Dog…

To prepare an oatmeal bath for your dog, grind rolled oats into a fine powder, add it to warm water, and stir until the water becomes cloudy. (Or you can buy a packaged oatmeal bath treatment. Just be sure to read the ingredients.)

Let your dog soak in the bath for about 10-15 minutes. If your dog allows you to, you can gently massage their paws.

Make sure to dry their paws thoroughly after. Again drying between their toes, to prevent the growth of bacteria that can cause even worse problems.

If you’re looking for a simple, effective, and instant remedy for your soothing your dog’s discomfort dry and cracked paws and oatmeal bath is the solution.

With that being said, you may want to use a paw balm after an oatmeal bath.

oatmeal to sooth dry dog paws

Paw Balm: A Protective and Healing Solution

The constant exposure of your dog’s paws to rough surfaces and extreme weather conditions can lead to dryness, cracks, irritation and discomfort.

Moisturizing your dog’s paws with a paw balm can provide an extra layer of protection against rough surfaces, hot pavements, and even harsh weather elements.

While there are plenty of commercial paw balms available, a homemade paw balm is a great solution!

I’ll show you how to make a simple and effective paw balm using natural ingredients you might already have in your pantry.

How to Make Homemade Paw Balm

There are many ways to make homemade paw balm. To make your own homemade paw balm, you can use a variety of the natural remedies mentioned above together.

You can also add the essential oils lavender and peppermint. These ingredients are known for their moisturizing, healing, and protective properties, making them an excellent choice for paw care.

Here is a few simple and effective homemade dog paw balm recipes.

Not only will these homemade paw balms soothe, protect and heal your dog’s paws, but they can also be a bonding experience for the both of you.

Prevention is the Best Natural Remedy: How to Prevent Dogs Paws From Becoming Dry and Cracked

Of course the best remedy is to not have to deal with it in the first place or have to deal with it more than once. I know… once is enough.

If your dog allows, you can use socks or dog boots to protect against harsh conditions outside. If your dog (or husband) is like mine, that won’t happen.

The best way to prevent your dog’s paws from becoming dry and cracked, the best thing to do is use a paw palm daily. You can also use shea butter daily.

When is the Best Time to Apply Paw Balm to Dogs?

You can apply paw balm anytime during the day, but the best time to do it is right before your dog goes to sleep. This allows the product you use, be it paw balm or any other natural remedy you choose, to soak in completely allowing the product to work to its full potential.

It also keeps your dog from sitting and trying to lick the product off.


Your dog’s paw health is crucial to their overall well-being as it is your dog’s shoes.

Harsh elements and weather conditions can cause your dog’s paw to become dry and cracked limiting their ability to enjoy normal activities such as walking, running, jumping and playing.

With the help of natural remedies like coconut oil, shea butter, vitamin E, calendula extract, aloe vera, oatmeal baths, and with my homemade paw balm recipe your dog’s dry and cracked paw pads can be a thing of the past.

Can I Put Vaseline on Dog Paws?

Vaseline is not toxic to dogs but is not recommend for  healing your dog's dry, cracked paws. If your dog licks it off his paws, it can give him an upset stomach and diarrhea. It provides a moisture barrier and doesn't actually hydrate or moisturize.

Can You Use Baby Lotion on Dog Paws?

No, it is not recommended to use baby lotion on your dog's paws. Dogs have sensitive skin and they have different reactions to certain ingredients that are non-toxic to humans. It can also mess up the pH balance in your dog's skin and paws causing irritation. 

What Causes Dry, Cracked Dog Paws?

Dogs can get dry, cracked paws for several reasons such as seasonal changes, allergies, excessive licking, lack of moisturization, and walking on harsh surfaces. 

What Should My Dogs Paws Look Like?

Remember dog's paws are their shoes. Your dog's paws should be tough but not rough. They should feel firm, look smooth and free of any cracks, lesions or tenderness. 

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