How to Teach a Puppy to Sit in 1 Day: The Easy Way!

Having a well-trained puppy is a necessity for a peaceful, happy companionship and for a well-mannered dog. Among the basic commands, teaching your puppy to sit is one of the most important skills to master and guess what?!?…

It’s one of the easiest commands to teach!

Not only does it ensure their safety in various situations, but it also sets the foundation for further, more complex training.

In this blog post, I’ll share with you everything you need to know (step-by-step) to master teaching your dog how to sit in just one day!

Let’s get straight to it…

Understanding Your Puppy’s Behavior

Before diving into the training process, it’s very important to understand how puppies learn.

Puppies have a natural curiosity and eagerness to please their owners, in fact, that’s what they live for!

Positive reinforcement training and techniques work best with puppies. This is where they associate good behavior with rewards and praise. It also builds trust and a strong bond with your puppy, making training much more effective and easier.

Preparing for Training

To get the most out of your training sessions, you will want to set up a conducive environment. A conducive environment simply is where you provide the right conditions and setting for something to good to happen. This sets your dog up for training success and makes the training session more enjoyable for both you and your puppy.

To do this, choose a quiet and familiar location, free from distractions. Gather essential training tools, such as dog treats and a clicker (if you choose to use one). If you don’t have a clicker or don’t want to use one, you can simply use the marker words ‘yes’ and ‘no’

Be sure to set aside dedicated training time when both you and your puppy are calm and focused. Avoid training sessions after feeding your puppy as this will cause them to be less food motivated as they will already have a full belly.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Teach Your Puppy to Sit

Step 1: Capture their attention

Start by holding a treat close to your puppy’s nose, ensuring you have their full attention. If you have your puppy’s full attention, they will be looking at you.

Step 2: Lure Your Puppy Into a Sit

Allow your puppy to smell the treat as you move the treat slowly above their head, causing them to follow it with their eyes and nose. Their natural response will be to sit down.

Step 3: Mark and Reward!

As soon as your puppy sits, mark the correct behavior with a clicker or the marker word “Yes!” and then reward them with a treat immediately. The treat reinforces the connection between the command and the action, making it easier for them to understand.

Repeat and be consistent

Repeat the process multiple times, reinforcing the “Sit” command and rewarding them each time they obey. Consistency is key to successful training. When your puppy learns the ‘game’ then you can be incorporating hand gestures, the verbal command and then you can begin gradually adding distance.

Verbal command

Once your puppy understands what a sit is, then you can add the verbal cue ‘sit’. You can do this a few times while you lure them into a sit. Then slowly phase out of luring and just say the command sit. Once your puppy sits on command, mark and reward immediately.

Use hand gestures

Incorporate a hand signal with the verbal sit command, like raising your palm while your puppy sits. The combination of verbal and non-verbal cues helps reinforce the command and makes it easier for your puppy to respond when they can not hear you i.e. when you are outside and a loud truck passes by or when you are a far distance away.

Gradually add distance

Once your puppy responds well to the “Sit” command up close, practice the command at a distance. This helps them understand that the command applies regardless of how far you are from them.

Don’t tell them to stay while you are adding distance as this will cause confusion when teaching your dog the extended sit command.

Here is a great video from that shows you how to teach a puppy to sit…

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Teaching a Puppy to Sit

While training your puppy, some of these common mistakes can stall progress and create confusion:

1. Punishment-based methods

Avoid scolding or punishing your puppy for not sitting. Do not force your puppy into a sit by pushing their back side down to the ground. This will have a negative effect on your training efforts for sure.

Positive reinforcement yields better results and creates a positive association with training.

2. Skipping rewards too soon

Keep rewarding your puppy with treats and praise every time you ask them to sit. Gradually reduce the treats as they begin to master the command.

3. Inconsistent training

Stick to a regular training schedule to reinforce learning. Inconsistency can confuse your puppy and slow down progress.

You don’t have to set aside a certain time of day for a training session. Simply incorporate the sit command into your daily life. For example when you feed your dog, have them sit before they can eat it. During playtime when your puppy wants their favorite ball or toy, have them sit. Once they do throw it or give it to them and let them play with it. Repeat.

4. Marking the behavior at the wrong time.

It is very common for many puppy parents to mark the behavior too early or too late. The behavior needs to be marked as soon as your puppy’s butt in fully on the ground. Not before or after. When you mark it too early or late it becomes harder to break that and makes teaching commands like stay more difficult.

Troubleshooting Challenges

Every puppy is unique, and you may encounter specific challenges during training. Here are some tips for troubleshooting common issues:

1. Overcoming distractions

If your puppy gets easily distracted during training, choose a quieter environment or increase the value of treats to keep their focus.

You can also put a leash on your puppy to keep them from running off.

If you become frustrated because your puppy just can’t get over being distracted take a break and try again later.

RELATED: How do you Figure Out What Treats Your Dog Likes Best for Training Success?

2. Dealing with stubbornness

Some puppies or breeds may be more resistant to training. In this case, it will take longer to teach your puppy the command.

Don’t give up, keep working at it. Patience, persistence, and positive reinforcement will eventually yield results.

3. Fearful puppies

If your puppy seems scared or anxious during training, take a step back and proceed more gradually. Provide reassurance and a safe environment.

4. Dealing with a puppy that isn’t food-driven

Some puppies just aren’t food driven and that’s okay!

Instead of using treats, reward your puppy with a ball, their favorite toy or praise instead of a treat. If this is the case, reserve that toy for training purposes only.

Luring a puppy to sit is the most popular way to teach a puppy to sit but it isn’t the only way. You can play games and use targeting. Here is an excellent video and Podcast by Dogs That that teaches you 10 ways to teach your dog to sit without using a food lure and it includes playing games and using targeting.

Celebrate Progress and Be Patient

Throughout the training process, celebrate every milestone your puppy achieves!

Remember, learning takes time, and each puppy learns at their own pace. Some can learn this command in a day while others may take a little longer.

Avoid rushing or getting frustrated. By being patient and encouraging, you create a positive learning experience for your furry friend.


Teaching your puppy to sit is an key part of their training journey. With positive reinforcement techniques and consistent practice, you can achieve remarkable results in just one day.

Remember to be patient, understanding, and always prioritize your puppy’s well-being. A well-trained puppy not only brings joy to your life but also enhances the bond you share but it brings joys to others and teaches your dog how to be a good citizen in life.

Happy training!

Have you tried teaching your puppy to sit using this method? Share your success stories and any additional tips you have for teaching puppies to sit quickly and easily! I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

If this post helped you teach your puppy how to sit then let me know and give it a share!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I train my puppy without using hand gestures?

Absolutely! Hand gestures can aid in training, but verbal commands alone can be effective with consistency. With that said, hand gestures or signals are great for getting your puppy to follow the command when they can't hear you say it.

What if my puppy doesn’t respond to the training at all?

Reevaluate your training approach and try different techniques such as playing games, targeting, or using a different reward system such as your pup's favorite toy. Seek professional help if needed.

How many times a day should I train my puppy?

Short and frequent training sessions, about 5-10 minutes, are more effective than one long session.  

Is it necessary to use treats during training?

While treats can be highly motivating, you can use verbal praise, petting, toys or a ball as alternatives.

Can older dogs learn to sit in one day?

While older dogs can learn new commands, their learning pace may vary. Some older dogs can learn sit in a day while others may take a few or longer. Consistent training and patience are still important when teaching an older dog.

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