Should I Pee on my Dog to Show Dominance? (Answered!)

Discover if peeing on your dog is an effective way to show your dominance. Also, learn effective and easy ways to show your dominance over your dog.

People believe doing this will show your dog who’s boss. When it reality it does the complete opposite.

With that being said, let me answer your question…

Should I pee on my dog to show dominance?

The answer is…

Absolutely not! In the end this will do nothing but make your dog stink, be fearful of you, and possibly even cause your dog to have anxiety and stress, while breaking your bond and making the behavioral issue(s) even worse. Peeing on your dog will NOT show your dog anything.

I don’t recommend you ever pee on your dog unless he gets stung by a jelly fish and even then I would choose baking soda over peeing but sometimes you have to do what you have to do to take away the pain. (But that is a whole different scenario.)

To be quite honest, I’m not really sure where this myth or old school method comes from but I think it has something to do with the fact that dogs pee to mark their territory and they think that it is a way for a dog to show its dominance. Therefore, people think that if they pee on their dog they’re overpowering and showing dominance over their dog.

In reality, dogs don’t mark their territory to show dominance over other dogs or people for that matter.

Why dogs pee to mark their territory…

Dogs mark their territory with urine (or feces) to show and let other dogs know that they are present.

It’s their way of saying… Hey, you are in my boundary and have entered MY territory.

Dog marking their territory

Also, when a dog smells another dogs urine it allows them to learn more about the dog. For example: It tells them what they eat, if they sleep indoors or outside, etc.

Dogs secrete a scent through their anal glands when they pee or poo, this scent is what gives other dogs more information about them. This is also why when dogs meet each other they sniff each other’s rear.

When they ‘mark their territory’ they urinate just a small amount and it can be done in multiple areas (indoors or out). Territorial marking can become a behavioral issue.

Territory marking isn’t to show the dogs dominance but rather to just let other dogs know that they have crossed within their boundary/territory and it gives more info about the dog to other dogs.

What peeing on your dog can do…

Peeing on your dog can give the opposite effect of what you are trying to accomplish.

Instead of showing your dog that you are dominant you may (and most likely will) create more behavioral problems then when you started.

First and foremost, it can cause you more frustration and work. Not only will you have to give your dog a bath BUT you may also have to rebuild your bond with your dog.

Give a dog a bath

Peeing on your dog can worsen the problems you are currently trying to fix. If you have a dominant dog you are probably already dealing with your dog ignoring your commands.

Not only can it cause the problems you already have to worsen, but it can also create new problems for you as well. Your dog can become stressed and anxious. This can give you a whole new list of unwanted behaviors such as submissive peeing, your dog running from you, hiding because they are scared of you, not eating, and the list goes on.

Simply put, if a dog lacks trust in you and is fearful of you, they won’t respond to anything you say or do.

What you should do to show dominance over your dog instead of peeing…

There are far better and more sanitary ways to show your dominance over your dog. Peeing on your dog is not an effective form of ‘dominance training’.

When doing any type of training especially ‘dominance training’, always remain calm and assertive (confident). Give praise and reward for good behaviors.

To show dominance over your dog incorporate the following into your training and daily life.

  • Make eye contact with your dog.
  • Walk through the door first.
  • Do not allow him on the bed or the sofa.
  • Don’t let your dog eat until after you eat and give your dog permission to eat.
  • Have them work for what they want such as his food, going outside to play, etc.
  • Stay above his level when communicating.
  • Don’t let your dog lead the walks.

Learn more in depth about how to show dominance over your dog here.

Doing the above will not only help them learn their place in the pack, but it will also teach them great manners.

Mom with her fur baby

Conclusion- Should I pee on my dog to show dominance?

Peeing on your dog is a very ineffective way to show dominance over your dog. Not only is it NOT effective, it can worsen the problems you already have while creating many new ones.

Peeing on your dog can break your bond you have with your dog and cause them to be stressed, anxious and fearful of you.

Instead of peeing on your dog you can incorporate some ‘dominance training’ into your daily life that will teach your dog that you are the leader while also developing some great manners.

It takes trust and structure for your dog to see you as their leader.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below. Always happy to help!

Happy Training,

Lisa Marie

Sharing is Caring! 😉

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